

发布时间: 2024-05-17 15:15:46北京青年报社官方账号





Analysts from TF Securities wrote in a note that horse racing and large international sports events should be the two areas that are likely to see rapid development following the announcement of the central authorities' plan. While taking Shanghai (China) Pilot Free Trade Zone-the first of its kind in China-as an example, Hainan still lags behind in terms of the contribution of wholesaling and retailing to local GDP. In this sense, companies related to these two sectors in Hainan will have much room to grow, according to the note.


Analysts said the costs for producing hydrogen-powered vehicles can decrease through mass-production and the substitution of expensive metals.


Analysts in Washington and Beijing have said trade and security issues, including the Korean Peninsula situation, will be highlighted during the trip.


And while COVID-19 may have put a dampener on so much of 2020, Baijiu Society notes an uptick in the numbers of people playing mixologist during their home-staycations. To wit, the group has created three signature cocktails – Baijiu & Tonic, Baijiu & Soda and Tropical Baijiu – to mix as part of its #BaijiuCocktailChallenge at home. All three concoctions use one of the craft baijiu spirits, which feature splashes of yuzu, star anise, clove, cherry, peach, orange lychee and even cinnamon.


An old friend of China is in awe as the country approaches its long-held goal of eradicating extreme povertyEditor's note: As China aims to eliminate extreme poverty and be a "moderately prosperous society" (xiaokang shehui) in time for the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China next year, we talk to experts for their take on the country's commitment.


